

英 ['lɑːfɪŋ] 美['læfɪŋ]
  • adj. 可笑的;高兴的;带笑的
  • n. 笑;笑声
  • v. 笑(laugh的ing形式)


Translated into high school terms, this means that if everybody you hang around with is laughing at what John wore or what jane said, then you can bet that wearing or saying something similar will get you the same kind of negative attention.

2016年高考英语浙江卷(6月) 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

Anyway, the act of laughing probably does produce other types of physical feedback, that improve an individual's emotional state.

2011年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

But—despite some claims to the contrary, laughing probably has little influence on physical fitness.

2011年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

Stop laughing: It's not just cost effective but helps you balance your diet.

2013年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ